
SchoolAdvisor - Three Peaks Payments House

Three Peaks Payments House

Three Peaks Payments House offers a simple and cost-effective debit order solution to the school market. We have been providing our award-winning solution to schools for the last 20 years, and have found that majority of the time, they (schools) struggle to collect their fees from parents. W [Read More]

1 Schools 1 Reviews (2) Products Review Quote
1 Schools 1 Reviews (2) Products

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1 Schools, 1 Reviews.
Debit Order Facility

50 Schools, 0 Reviews.
Debt Collection
Amiato Learning Centre
Amiato Learning Centre

What people are saying about Three Peaks Payments House
Views expressed below are those of the individual and not those of SchoolAdvisor or the school
Excellent client service
Debitsure, Three Peaks Payments House
They are so friendly and efficient!
Posted By Melandri Pieters (Deputy Head) from Amiato Learning Centre